I have been using this tool called ‘Pocket’ for quite some time now, and I thought ‘Wow! Why not I let the world know this piece of art that can enable its inhabitants to set aside time for their loved ones instead of frittering it away reading an article that they always could read for later and still maintain the same interest in it?' Pocket is exactly what the name suggests, a reservoir that you dig into when you are bored or when you need to retrieve something that piqued your interest in the morning but had to shun it then because of other troublesome issues. You can read your articles offline and their simple, slick interface would make you want to go back frequently. Their brilliant use of colours, simplistic yet imaginative, works hugely in their favour. Their recent update of adding a ‘Recommendations’ section wherein you are presented with articles hand-picked to suit your assessed tastes, is an ambitious one and could work in their favour. It can also w...
By comparing you with others, you are only insulting yourself.