Researchers. These individuals do search for something that has already been searched,albeit in vain. Isn't that the most logical explanation one can arrive at by chewing 'research'?? Okay, whatever be your answer, let me not hear it. For no reason,though. Anyway, my topic will apparently be about trial and error. Will apparent become real? Well, you the judge be. Is there anyone in this world (UFO inhabitants ignored,that is) that haven't 'trial-and-error'ed? Sure I am of the answer,nobody. From estimation of a teacher's leniency levels in school by the ever efficient technique of occupying the assorted atoms of the first bench and not so much as even raising your eyes to look at her when she asks a question that a six-year old momentarily tortures his head for in frustration to those researchers who keep on searching for something that they do not have the remotest indication of how what they are searching for looks, everyone has employed this sure-shot...
By comparing you with others, you are only insulting yourself.